Hockey Game: Default Previous Next


2:00 PM



No name


79 kg


21 C


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Last game of the year vs Briars. Probably needed to win to make the semis. In the end because we won 7-1 we made it to 3rd on for andagainst, when the benties had a shock draw with wests in their last game. Glebe lost so we beat them, and same points but 1 better for and against vs benties. I played right wing, and default inner in second half when chris stayed high. Rossco had a great game, and scored 3 field goals. Chris scored a short and a field goal, me and Glen got the others, glens a tap in off greg a (who had one disallowed) mine was a run up beside chris, he beat two on one'd to me from top right of the circle and I buried the shot pretty damn well I gotta say.. We all played well and were on a high afterwards, but antiicipation until I got the paper on monday morning! although matt and phil saw the glebe game and told me on sunday unoffically that glebe lost...Watched megans last game on sunday, had a hit, and wilth hayley that was fun too. Points Rossco 3, Chris 1, Peter G 2 I think. I missed a chance early on, missed a shot from the top, chris did the same, we scored through ross or chris, then they scored but after that we applied the pressure, 3-1 at half time. John hol got there late he went to sutho first :-) Steve cut his hand, 4 stiches hope hes ok for next week. I did a lot of running, some good runs down the wing again linking with chris ben and annie. bring on the bentstix !
