Run: Marathon pace Previous Next


7:07 AM

30.2 km


4:56 km


78.2 kg
139 bpm
199 bpm


18 C


9 / 10
9 / 10
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1:25:19 for 19.02 watch gives 4.29 average, so does strava :-) Just about 4:29.5 and running ahead rounds it up..Still that's 7 or 8 seconds better than target..Wore new mizunos, black singlet, 30 dollar socks, two bandaids on big toe and one on second toe, and asics shorts with longer inners. still got a bit chafed inside right thigh..took a caffeine water gel after the 10k warmup, and also felt the need to have a quick wizza too..first time I can remember...didn't do much but best to be comfortable..then headed out at 4.35 pace straight away..and once I got up to the school it seemed pretty easy..was definitely pushing to get to the pace first lap of coachwood and up, seemed like a lot of effort, but by the school I was beginning to do it quite easy, and thinking at around 5 or 6km this is pretty good! btw dropped the hat and ipod at the 10km mark to concentrate on the pace..going pretty well back down to home, had a non caffeine water gel and some more water, straight back out..the hill back up to the school was a bit more of an issue this time, and had dropped back to 4.30 average by the effort level had definitely risen but now could see the finish line..note that earlier in the effort I was thinking I should go on and do 20 or 21.1 and see my half marathon time, but those thoughts well and truly gone by 15 or 16km! Still maintained the pace quite well, effort increasing but not terrible..Once done stopped the watch and then restarted and did another km to cool down, and to get over 30km :-) Didn't see many celebs today, saw Bruce on the way back from the lights on my first lap was about all. Meegie went out and did 8km and I missed her completely..
