Vets pre season: Default Previous Next


6:40 PM



78.2 kg


25 C


7 / 10
7 / 10
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pitch 2


Played prob more than half of the first third, all the second third, and half+ of the last one. did some good running, felt fine maybe lacking a little top end? but able to trap and hit with only one dodgy pass I remember..mishit that is, and I moved the ball up and did three really good long passes, one 3/4 field to gus in the corner, and was making myself available for the fullback to pass, and made all my overall pretty good. played inner and left half at the end which wasnt much fun, usually 3 on one...mostly I kept them out, although one time they got it into the circle and scored, but I channelled them out at least couldnt call it my fault...prob was noel played inner and was too high, and no idea where the centre half and other inner where either! nice and warm, all good and feel good today. oh yeah and i dont know how many others also ran 5k at lunchtime! probably just John Hol!! oh yeah we lost 3-1 to ryde. and I said gday to clem from last years over 50s, he reckons hes going to the over 55s as 50s is too young and too far in goulburn.
