Vets pre season: Default Previous Next


9:10 PM



82 kg


25 C


8 / 10
7 / 10
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played all the first third of 20 minutes, and all the last. half of the middle one. i played inner all the time, they know I can run :-) did some good things it rained about half the game, we were all not quite so good as last time. Rod played his first game and went well and so did glen. I did some good runs and passes, and stretched for some good tackles, a few comments about my reach. And near the end of the last third me and rod and glen did the big raid, and rod gifted me the winning goal, passing across a virtually open goal for me to push it in. Oh well, I'll take it! Lots of fun and happily the foot not too sore from yesterday. Gus doesnt think great hope for the vets side this year., oh well :-)
