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1.4 mi


2:29 / 100yd

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<No name>


Athlete Comments: 300 SW

300 K

6 x 150 descend every 2 (:20RI)**

1:00 bonus rest

6 x 100 descend every 2 (:15RI)**

1:00 bonus rest

6 x 50 decend every 2 (:10RI)**

100 CD

** Start at Zone 2 and finish at Zone 4 for last 2 per set

Coach Comments: 300 SW

300 K

6 x 150 descend every 2 (:20RI)**

1:00 bonus rest

6 x 100 descend every 2 (:15RI)**

1:00 bonus rest

6 x 50 decend every 2 (:10RI)**

100 CD

** Start at Zone 2 and finish at Zone 4 for last 2 per set
