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1:00 PM


149.8 lb
  • Exercises


Took yesterday off due to my foot. Woke up a little hungover this morning, foot feeling a bit better but still very achy. Disappointed with overhead press as 105 felt good but then I psyched myself out at 115 and struggled to get 3, failed on 4th. Bench Press was strong at 180, decided to do a bodyweight max rep set after at 150+ collars. Paused after 13, 16th rep was tough with triceps having trouble locking out. Knee felt the best it has in a while for squats, paused the first rep of each set.

Overhead Press - 1x5x65, 1x5x75, 1x3x95, 1x3x105, 1x3x115

Squats - 1x5x95, 1x5x115, 1x5x135, 1x5x145, 1x5x155

Bench Press - 1x5x135, 1x3x165, 3x6x180, 1x16x150

1 Arm Kettlebell Press - 3x10x14kg

Front Raise + Lateral Raise - 3 sets

Farmer's Walks + Rear Delt Cables
