Run: Brick Previous Next


3.1 mi


8:04 mi

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NJ State Sprint Triathlon. This was awesome! It was very hot already, maybe mid to high 80s and humid. I was so happy with the swim and bike and I was a bit surprised by how little I had left for the run. But, really I think it was the heat that did me in. If it was 70 I think I could have taken a minute off my time easy. Even so, I'm really happy with this and completely hooked on doing another one soon! Additional Info. I broke it down by each event. I was 156th overall out of 1350. Swimming 272nd, Bike 205th, Run 155th, Tran1 644th, Tran2 235th. Hmmm, that doesn't add up. This is weird. No I just double checked.
