Strength: KB: S&S Previous Next


8:00 PM

4200 m


10.44 mi / hr


225 lb
  • Map

Pain Cave


Okay, I lied. I hit the garage just to see where I was.

Started with the two empty bars setup for OHP and BP. Ended up superseding them.

OHP: 10x45, 8x65, 6x75, 4x85

BP: 10x45, 8x65, 6x85, 4x105, 2x125, 2x145

I stopped on OHP because I could "feel" the injured rib. Didn't hurt, but the tightness or whatever's going on there told me that I could probably add more weight, but it might not be smart. Same strategy on BP, but it wasn't really the rib as much as I was getting nervous.

This is good news. It will also be interesting to test squat and deadlift soon. Then I'll dig up the nSuns spreadsheet and downgrade the percentages based on these "recovery" numbers.
