Strength: nSuns 531 LP Previous Next


11:53 AM



223 lb
76 bpm
80 bpm


92 F
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This concludes week 6 of running the nSuns531LP program. I'm working in 6 weeks blocks for workout planning purposes. I've decided to run this again for the next 6 week block and then I'll decide if I want to run another 6 weeks or switch to something else like S&S for a block. I've also been doing 1RM tests every 3 weeks, so this weekend it's time again. I'll do squats and OHP on Saturday and then deadlifts and bench on Sunday.

WU: 95x5, 120x3

BP: 145x5, 165x3, 185x4 (1+), 175x3, 165x5, 155x3, 145x5, 135x3, 125x15 (5+)

4 on the 1+ and 15 on the 5+. Adding 5# to TM.

CG BP: 80x6, 100x5, 115x3, 115x5, 115x7, 115x4, 115x6, 115x8

Also the Strength app tells me the 185x4 on BP and the 115x8 on CG BP are new PRs. Woohoo!
