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26.2 mi


8:29 mi

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Havent logged any miles in a while but I just finished the marathon so I feel like I should recap it. Going into the race I wasnt really nervous this was my first marathon and I really didnt know what to expect I was just gonna go run and see what happens. I knew I was in decent shape much better shape then I was my last couple years running xc and I was really happy I made it this far without getting hurt to be honest. The last couple weeks my training was not as crisp as it was before maybe because I got amped up for the race a bit to early and then burnt out. Anyways got to the line with no plan and just kind of started running. I broke the race down into three sections since they all were extremely different below.

Miles 1-8

Lines up next to Mark and Evan at the start and then just went with Mark from the gun while Evan dropped back. Probably should have started more conservatively but I wasnt really thinking and I felt good. Felt like I was just cruising along the first mile and we hit 7:26 which I knew was fast but I just rolled with it. Continued to cruise along for a few more miles dipping into the low 7 :20's with the 3:15 pace group. Mile 4 Mark finally noticed I was behind him so we talked for a bit. This guy then started telling us how he has ran 35 marathons and Boston 4 times which was pretty cool. As we continued to cruise Mark seemed upset because he couldnt see Molly up ahead anymore. and at mile 7 he just bolted ahead. At this point I knew I was already going too fast so I just chilled. Eneded up hearing Tyler and Danny and Evan talking somewehre behind me so I dropped back and ran with them for about a mile then I let them go and just got into a groof at mile 8.

Miles 8-16

Miles 8 until about 14 I was just running along probably at about 745 pace feeling pretty good but slowly dying at it was during this part where I knew the last half was gonna be rough. Ended up going through the half at 1:37 or so which was a few seconds faster than I ran my half marathon race in August which was pretty cool. At about mile 15 I really hit a wall and slowed down drasticly but really couldnt go any faster. It was here where I decided that I would have to literally stop at every water station and actually drink rather than trying to eat and run at the same time just so I could actually get hydrated.

Miles 16-26

Miles 16-20 were literally the mosst painful and worst thing of my life. I could not move any faster than I was moving and I lost feeling in my legs. Seriously considered dropping out at this point just because I thought I was gunna drop dead literally but somewhow kept trucking along. Took a gu around mile 19 which helped a lot and stayed at that water station for literally 2 minutes to gather myself. After mile 20 I felt a little bit of a second wind and actually got to jogging a decent pace. Timmy found me at mile 22 and started taking selfies with me which was pretty funny we ran about a half mile together then he bolted ahead then I just tried to focus on the finish and actually had a decent last mile.

Overall it was a great expereince for my first marathon. It was really cool to have Evan and Mark with me for not only the start but the night before and morning of the race. It was also really cool to that i had a chance to run with all the guys that paraticipated at one point or another which I really didnt foresee going into the race. I am pretty content with my time. I was talking with Andy after the race and he said with a little more training that I could probaably bust out a 3:15 which would be pretty cool. but that wont be for a while for now I am going to take some time off running and bask in my pain but also my accomplishment of completing the marathon.
