Run: RunEc,100-110VM Previous Next


6:15 PM

5 mi


6:41 mi


153 lb


83 F


9 / 10
10 / 10
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It was hot, but no wind to speak of (for a change). Goal was 10 X 400m @ 77 with 400 jog. I read in Daniel's today that during Repetition Training the focus is to run each workbout efficiently. The recovery time should be enough to ensure this. If the recovery time is > 4Xs the workbout time, then either you've had enough for that session or the pace has been too fast. Steve Fischer has told me the same thing.

I've learned that high knees really speeds up my 200s, so I wanted to integrate this into my 400s, but it is very taxing. So for the 1st three I ran "quick steps" for 100, "high knees" for a 100, "quick steps" for 100, then finished with "high knees". On my 4th I went only with "quick steps", then on my 5th I did the whole 400 with high knees. That wore me down a bit, so I went back to the alternating 100s (of the 400s)"quick steps, high knees". I finished with "high knees" for the entire last 400m. The time shows this. The 5th and 10th rep were my fastest using this knowledge. I never knew how important this is, but knew I look like I'm shuffling my feet even when I'm running under 6:00 per mile.

77.4, 2:03

77.8, 1:59 *(100 quick feet, 100 high knees, repeat)

75.9, 1:59 *

78.0, 2:03 ("quick feet, no high knees)

72.9, 2:07 (all high knees)

78.9, 2:09 (+1:06 walk, not enough recovery after 5th 400)

76.6, 2:09 *

75.9, 2:06 *

77.2, 2:07 *

73.5, 2:09 (all high knees)

Average 76.3, Goal 77.

I'm very happy with this workout and I need to learn how to lift my feet more at all distances. I need a coach!
