Run: 7:00 to 7:14 Previous Next


5:30 PM

5 mi


6:31 mi


155 lb


7 / 10
8 / 10
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Ran 5 X 1 mile @ 6:31 per Lactate Threshold Development/Jack Daniels workout plan, with 1 minute easy in between miles. I put the treadmill @ 1% incline to make it more difficult, but this workout was very easy. I know I could have run 5 @ 6:31 without the 1 min recovery between miles.

Oh well, it's what the book said to do!

To hot to run outside. I couldn't get to sleep last night, so I had to run this evening, but I'm glad it worked out like that. My legs had been very sore, but the 36 hours rest really helped. My only concern is a very tight L hamstring. I stretched it real well after the workout and now I'm going to use "the stick" on it for a while.
