Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

12.5 mi


6:55 mi


48 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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No warm-up/No warm-down/No plan. I knew I wasn't going to race all out today, but wanted a good, confidence building workout. Thought I'd go out easy and then do a fartlek run, but as soon as the gun went off, I took off. To my suprise the pace felt good for the 1st several miles. My goal for Boston is 6:50 a mile pace, so I tried to stay at that pace through the 1st 6. I hit it almost exactly (on a difficult course/day), but then fought negative thoughts of stopping at 10K. I decided to do the 20K, but would slow the pace to 7:00 a mile. I never felt bad on this run, but my L Hamstring shot pains through my leg several times. Caught up to Andy at 10 miles, but had no intention of racing him. Overall, I'm pleased, but I have a long way to go, before I'll be ready for Boston.

648, 638, 639, 701 (big hill), 644, 706, 702, 659,701, 713 (big hill), 702, 721, 251

1-6 (40:58/650 pace), 6-12 (42:42/7:07 pace)
