Run: Run/Walk 3/1 Previous Next


6:30 AM

22 mi


11:23 mi


178.4 lb
112 bpm
135 bpm


74 F


6 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

Combo Course


Enjoyable long training run. Ate 5 bananas; 1 before and 4 along the way. Also ate a Pita sandwich before running...that helped. Drank more water before and started drinking from the beginning of the run.

Drank over 80 oz of water in the 4 hours...about on track. Took four salt before and three during the run.

Cloudy throughout, which held the temps under 75. Drizzle over most of the second half of the run, which actually helped. Super humid, obviously, over 93% RH.

Held the 3/1 throughout. Most of the paces were in the 10:15 range, slowing to 10:30 over the last four miles.

HRM was helpful...I tried to stay in zone 2 (113-123). Interestingly, my earlier gut feel of pace in hot weather (10:15 ish) worked out to be just at the top end of zone 2. So, my intuitive feel for pacing turned out, in this instance, to be reasonably accurate.

Took a cold bath when I got home. Zero cramps. No problem with foot cramps while taking shoes on or off.

Could have clearly gone another 4.2 today. Sweet.
