Run: Interval Previous Next


7:45 PM

8 mi


8:34 mi

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Warmed up. 8 mi. interval, incline 1 - 1.75 mi. at 9:23 pace, .25 mi. at 8:95, .5 mi. at 7:31, 90 sec. at 10:0, .5 mi. at 7:31, 90 sec. at 10:0, .25 mi. at 7:31, 3.75 min. at 9:23 pace, 5 mi. at 7:31, 90 sec. at 10:0, .5 mi. at 7:31, 90 sec. at 10:0, .25 mi. at 7:31, 2 mi. at 9:23 and decided to add one more 7:31 for the last .5 mi. Normal breathing throughout except for the kick at the end but wasn't winded by any stretch. Felt really good - not taxed at any point, no physical issues at all.



Great job!! So you shortened the 5 minute recovery to 3.75 minutes and then added another 800 at the end! Awesome. This was done perfectly!!! Will adjust a few things after reading this for next weeks interval workout. This is super as 7:30 is technically your 5K pace!! You're off to a great start!!!!