Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

13.1 mi


9:46 mi



8 / 10
3 / 10

Race Result

1099 / 2039 (53.9%)
104 / 210 (49.5%)
478 / 1117 (42.8%)
  • Map

GT to IS


Rough day of running for me. I didn't feel all that great when I got up, felt ok during first 2 miles then it just went downhill from there. temps started in the mid-50's and quickly rose to the mid-70's. Not much shade on the course route, other than the portion on trails, so I felt overheated and dehydrated. Should have carried my own water, needed it more than every 2 miles. Walked through all of the water stops and slowed pace considerably due to heat exhaustion and feeling of weakness. Course was beautiful as advertised and I would do this one again but need better hydration prior to and during race.

Post-race, we had a wonderful lunch in Idaho Springs with my mom who came up to stay in the condo with us, then headed back over the pass for an afternoon at Dillon Resorvoir with the girls. So, overall great weekend, just crummy race for me.
