Run: Interval Previous Next


10:30 AM

5.6 mi


10:47 mi

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3 x 8min tempo intervals

Not a good run for me today. Legs were super sore from pump, even though I went light on legs :( I guess that's what I get for not fitting in lifting for a few weeks. Between legs being sore and having to run on the treadmill, which I am starting to really hate these days, I didn't have a good feeling about this workout.

Made it 7 minutes into first interval @8:34 and knew I wasn't going to be able to complete the workout as planned. Alternated 1-2 min intervals with 1 min recovery for the remainder of the time, and then cooled down. Thankfully, this is just one of many speed workouts, and I'm bound to have a bad one here and there.
