Run: Easy Previous Next


4:15 PM

7.7 mi


6:54 mi


53 F


5 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map

Crystal Lake


Easy run to Crystal Lake. On the way to practice, I had this weird headache where everytime I took a step, the upper area of my teeth would ache. Didn't really seem to improve much the whole run. In fact, I fell behind the main group by about half a minute because I was just not feeling that good. Eventually ran back with Auburn since he fell back with the group as well. I tried to run strides, but they ended miserably because since I was running faster, my head couldn't take the extra speed and I had to stop before I felt even shittier. Walked home since I couldn't handle running at the moment.

**So I just looked up this headache and apparently it's a sinus headache, where it worsens when one bends forward or lies down. <-- That is what I've been experiencing all day. As a result of that, I was not able to do core since most of it involves bending or lying down. I'll get some ibuprofen to treat it later.



take care! Thankfully sinuses pass quickly