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6:30 PM

4000 m


4:56 mi


70 F


6 / 10
8 / 10
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3 x 400 @ 72 w/ 1' R + 3' RJ + 1600 @ 5:20 w/ 3' RJ + 3 x 400 @ 72 w/ 1'R

Today's scheduled workout. Didn't look too bad. Met up with the track club at 6:30, but didn't start until around 7 because people were still showing up late due to work. Warmed up for about 20 minutes and then did the usual warmup drills afterwards. There were two groups doing different workouts and I ended up with the group that was doing my workout. They were gonna take the 400's faster than I wanted, so I decided to work with Huan for the first 400's. These felt pretty easy, but the coach had everyone start on time, so the people who finished later, like me, got slightly shafted on rest.

After one jog around the track, I got to the mile portion. I again worked with Huan on this, even though he was gonna run the mile faster than I wanted. Went through the mile in 5:12. Didn't feel too difficult, but I could tell my legs were feeling heavy afterwards.

Got to the second set of 400's. Huan was feeling a little beat up, so I took the lead for the 400's. Finished all of them faster than I wanted, but I'm just attributing that to feeling great after taking a few days off and less accumulated workout stress.

Overall, it was an easy workout and some of the fast guys ran some wicked times for the 1600 portion. After the cooldown, I talked to Miguel afterwards about racing flats and I'm seriously considering getting some for future road races since I won't be running as much cross country anymore.



hmmmm racing flats sound interesting, are they just xc spikes without spikes?


Less support on the soles for lighter weight overall. You get better turnover and therefore, better efficiency. They are basically XC spikes without the spikes.