Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 PM

9 mi


7:45 mi




70 F


8 / 10
4 / 10


Man, this run sucked. Legs felt like shit and I felt like I was dragging the whole run. Never really got into a groove and had to stop a few times to rest the legs.

This is something I've been observing lately and it's that my easy runs feel so much harder than my workouts. My 10 mile progression from 7:30 to 5:20 felt easier than the 14 miles I ran on Sunday at over 7:30 pace or my 9 mile run at 7:45 pace. I don't think it's from any burnout since my workouts usually go well and without a hitch. Could just be two really off days or could be the fact that my shoes are 800 miles old. I feel like my legs can't handle 7:30 or above pace well and maybe my easy pace is actually a tiny bit faster and going slower than that forces my body to use different types of muscles, similar to how lifting high/short reps can recruit different types of muscles as well.



weird, you're still killing the workouts though