Run: Race Previous Next


6:50 PM

5 km


5:05 mi


50 F


7 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

20 / 102 (19.6%)


Don't remember much about this race. Went into this feeling pretty nervous. Spent 10 minutes before the race readjusting my spikes because I felt like they were moving a lot more in the shoe than they should have. Goal was to just go for it and not overthink the race.

Immediately went with the lead pack and pretty much stayed there for the first 2 miles. Up to that point, I really didn't pay too much attention about where I was as long as I with the leaders. Took over the lead with 1 mile to go and tried to push the pace, which sort of worked. People behind me at the last lap were starting to kick and I tried to as well. Got passed by three people, but passed one back at the end to place third overall in the heat.

Positive: First PR of the year. Felt really good for most of the race. Decent kick.

Negative: Got outkicked badly at the last lap. Can't really think much else.

Overall: Much better than last week's 5k. Looking forward to cutting more time off from my PR.
