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3.2 mi


6:13 mi


7 / 10
9 / 10
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3-5 x (1'on/1'off) + 15-30' tempo + 3-5 x (1'on/1'off)

I don't have distances for the 1' reps, so I'm only putting the fartleks here, and then the tempo section on its own log.

Workout went really well. Woke up around 9 and started warming up around 9:30. I decided to take a much longer warmup to get my body ready because I can tell I was still in a very groggy state of mind. Felt a lot better after doing dynamic stretches for a good 10-15 minutes. First set of reps went off without a hitch. Felt fine from the get go too. Tempo was where the most important section of the workout was, which was to stay consistent and not be too tired from it since I have reps afterwards. Ran consistent splits and finished knowing I could have done more. The second set was a bit of a struggle, but I tried to not tense up too much and keep my shoulders down. Overall, I'm happy with how this workout went and hopefully this will show in a race soon.
