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3000 m


4:57 mi


8 / 10
6 / 10
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3k @ Club Relays.

Up to this point, my knee has been feeling very good, and the warmup had good signs as well. My strides were feeling very natural and I was able to do high knees with no noticeable strain. I was seeded in a very competitive heat, so the goal was to go out cautiously, but stick with my teammates. Started out in a double waterfall and got myself near the front at 200m. Frintner caught up to me and I tried to work with him. We ended up switching places a lot in the first few laps. Got myself in good position at 1k and tried to hold it, but blisters started to form... Again. I tried as much to prepare for it by lubricating my feet and wearing double socks, but that did not help at all. It also didn't help that I got them on both of my feet, so my focus kind of fell off. I started to fall back from wasting too much energy the first few laps and people started passing me. William and Auburn caught up to me and I tried to work with them, but that wasn't working. I knew I should have been working harder, but my legs just wouldn't go any faster, like I was stuck in one gear. Made a decent kick at the end and passed a few people.

Positives: Held a good position early in the race. Had a nice kick. No knee pain

Negatives: Too much moving early in the race and falling back a lot didn't help. Blisters were very painful.

Overall: Ok race, lots of things I need to work, especially speed. Haven't done strides or leg strength in almost a month, so I'm going to start putting those back to my training now.
