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7:20 PM

5 km


5:12 mi


60 F


8 / 10
4 / 10


North Central 5k.

Last race of the season. I have been feeling very good ever since Valpo. Legs are much fresher, but I'm still carrying some residual stress from finals. Tried not to focus on that and focus on racing instead. Warmed up by myself because Quinn and I were in different heats. Decided for my race to just go for it and stay with the leaders. Got off to a very fast start with a 4:55 mile. Not sure when this happened, but after the 2k, I started to fall back big time. I think I burned out at this point and just tried not to slow down too much. Not sure what the second or third mile were, but it was very slow compared to the first mile I went in.

Positive: Held to the front pack for at least 2k.

Negative: Felt the sting of a fast first mile for the 5k and started falling back big time.

Overall: Pretty disappointed that my season had to end this way, but given my workouts and how I've felt over the last few months, this was an ok effort. I thought I would be able to hold 5 minute mile pace for a 5k, but unfortunately, today wasn't the case. Steve told me that trying to run a miracle pace for a 5k isn't uncommon for an NCAA race, but 4:55 shouldn't have been so taxing. I'll wrap my season up in an upcoming post and hope for a better season next time.
