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7:21 AM

7 mi


5:45 mi


116 bpm
126 bpm


62 F


7 / 10
8 / 10
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Lower Merion High School

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The Michigan: 1600/Mile/1200/Mile/800/Mile/400 w/ 2' RJ b/w All

Tough workout, especially solo. Ran this early in the morning because I have something right afterwards. My mentality going into this workout was to get through the 2nd Tempo mile. Speaking from experience, once I got through that, everything else would go smoothly.

Hit the 1600 in 4:53. Felt hard, but not exhausted. Didn't really feel tired until the 800m where it took a lot more effort to hit that 2:26. Third tempo mile felt hard, but I was still able to maintain a solid rhythm. Just went all out on the 400. Didn't close as fast as I did last time (63), but given how much harder everything else was, I'll take it. Solid workout to start Saturday!
