Run: Interval Previous Next


10:00 PM

6000 m


4:34 mi


7 / 10
8 / 10


15 x 400m @ mile pace w/ 2' R and 400m jog b/w sets of 4.

I remember running a workout very similar to this last year. I also remember this workout being extremely brutal that I couldn't even finish it. The goal was to do as many of those 15 around 68-67 if possible. Group started out with me, Somerfield, Lindsay, Feldman, and Jared. We were together for more than half of the reps until it was just down to me, somerfield, and josh. We switched off leads efficiently and hit some fast times as well. Quinn joined us in the last two since his group was done. Finished pretty strong and not too exhausted. Happy with the times albeit the long rest between intervals. I mentioned before that I did this workout before so I'll just post the link above. Can't directly compare since the recovery was much more generous, but I managed to run 15 good reps rather than 11 decent ones and then an awful 12th one. Nevertheless, a good sign towards a strong final outdoor season.
