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7:15 AM

13.1 mi


7:21 mi


153 lb
180 bpm
191 bpm


66 F


9 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

21 / 364 (5.8%)
5 / 20 (25%)
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Everyone Runs's Half Marathon

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Everyone Run's Veteran's Day half marathon.

Pre race: I got up at 4am so that I'll have plenty of time to scarf some food down, drink coffee, and read the interwebs before head out the door at 5:45 across town. When I arrived, I sat in the car till about 6:30. Talked a bit, hit up the bathroom. Then I warmed up for a mile jaunt around the track. It was quite a bit warmer than I was expecting it to be. It only got down to 60 last night instead of the predicted 50-52. After the mile, I was more than warmed up. More talking, then lined up at 7:05 for the color guard and national anthem.


They count it down, and we're off. We do 3/4 lap of the track and we're out on the street. I go out at a comfortable pace, which is probably too fast. Over the next couple miles a small pack forms. We're clicking off ~7 min pace pretty comfortably. We swallow some runners and I tell them to tag along for the ride.

1-4: 7:02, 7:20, (13:50)

As we start going down hill more, they up the pace pretty significantly. I just want to hit my prescribed pace of 6:55 or so in this section and not get too over zealous.

5-6: 6:47, 7:01

At mile 5.5-6.5 is uphill, so I just attempt to conserve energy and make sure to hit the downhill with the same effort level. I take a drink of water from the aid station, and pour the rest on my head. This felt amazing and was so revitalizing. At mile 7, all I'm thinking about is staying comfortable, just click off the miles, then be prepared to race later in the game, but I'm getting tired. Mile 8, I'm starting to feel the fatigue, but there's something else too. My left upper quad/groin area starts to feel tight/pained. I start getting some bad thoughts, and just want to stop running, but kept thinking about staying comfortable.

7-8: 7:34, 7:32

Mile 9: I see the leaders come by and I yell something to a friend. I forget about my pain and got some endorphins going. 7:14

Mile 10-11: This is uphill. The sun is beating down on me, my left groin/quad hurts, hating it. Again, Just trying to say comfortable and get to the finish: 7:36, 7:54

Mile 12-13.11: I should be flying at this point, but I'm hot and hurt. 7:42, 8:43.


Everything was pretty much on plan through mile 7. I was feeling strong and confident. Then pain in mile 8. And not a good kind of muscle burning pain from pushing too hard. Something is hurt. I hobble in to finish in 1:36:22. 21st place or so, 5th in my age group.
