Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:10 AM

9.7 mi


8:29 mi


150.8 lb
160 bpm
213 bpm


71 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
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Workout was supposed to be 2x2.5 miles @ LT pace, but I failed. Rain yesterday caused the path to be covered with muddy slippery silt and water flowing through some washes. I had to constantly slow down tip toe across these or climb the embankment. I changed my route midway through and went to the other side of the river path. Same deal. I ran a little on the golf course, but more of the same. When I got to a big puddle at 2.33 miles into the first interval, I called it quits. I rested for 3-4 minutes and started my second interval on the way back. It felt pointless to continue, but I managed 2 miles of a much slower tempo than I had hoped. I walked for a bit, then jogged home.

Splits: (6:50, 7:20, 2:36[.32mi]) (7:21, 7:32).

Training Plan Entry


8 mi

2 x 2.5 mi LT intervals
