Run: Time Trial Previous Next


5:30 PM

1 mi


6:33 mi


158 lb
154 bpm
170 bpm


98 F
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Moose Island Mile

My goal was 6:30, I knew that was out the window though given how hot it was. I wanted to run this in the morning, when I woke up at 4am, it was super smokey from the fires. I really didn't want to breathe in all that smoke.

I jogged out to the elementary school where the track is not locked up. Luckily the sun went behind a cloud, but the wind was coming from the SSW at like 10 mph

I went out at what felt a good pace, but it was actually slow.

409 m in 1:41.5

Second 400m was feeling pretty good. That home stretch sorta sucks with the wind.


Third 400m felt terrible. I was breathing with every step and I felt my stomach sloshing. It felt super hard on the home stretch.


The final 400m was a grind. Coming off the home stretch I knew I had to throw down, but I couldn't just yet. I waited until about 150m to go, before starting to kick. I got on my toes more and kicked and it felt like my strides. Smooth. I sorta stopped my watch a couple meters passed the finish line.


official: 6:32.6

Close enough.

Training Plan Entry

Easy + Strides

6.5 mi

8-10 strides
