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11:30 AM

55.2 mi


18.1 mi / hr


76 F
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<No name>


Good solo ride. 55 miles, mostly solo. Went past Chester, back over the hill to Grafton, headed out towards Townshend, but after 25 miles I ran into my high school XC coach (so turned around back toward home) and rode about 10 miles with him. Did all the work, but that's how I like it. Wind was swirling around but I felt strong until the last 14 miles when I had to start working. Just finished with an out and back to Grafton. Stopped for a minute after 41 miles to get more water and eat some food. Speed basically got progressively faster. Was at 16.55 or so at the hour (though that was including some serious uphill into wind) 35+ at two hours, and over 54 at three. The elevation is relevant in that though. The climb out of Chester had me a little worried I'd crack but I was strong enough, and felt really good from then until I stopped. Did not expect to average 18. 17 was my plan. I didn't even push that hard for most of it. Pretty dope ride overall.
