Health: Left Knee Previous Next


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I think yesterday morning finishing that long run feeling really socked, I must have been "falling" on my knee joint instead of running with it under firm control of my muscles. This morning it was sore. I noticed it the rest of the day, especially going down stairs. Very sadly, I feel like the pain is right in there on the lateral joint compartment where I had the microfracture. I hope maybe after a day of recovery my muscles will hold the joint together stronger in whatever way they normally do to keep that knee from hurting me.

Looked back at note from Oct 2017 where I made a similar report. That's somewhat encouraging, because that time I suspected it could have been related to running around Rim Rock. On this past Saturday (before my LR) I was chasing around Cade's CC race in Emporia. Maybe that running (in this case 1.75 miles) on that uneven terrain is hard on my knee. Then maybe my LR just made things a lot worse for the reasons suspected above.
