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7:12 PM

4.2 mi


6:04 mi


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52 F
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Tonight's workout was getting back into quicker workouts, this one designed for 5K training. We've done derivatives of this workout in the past, usually with a standing rest. Tonight was 5x1000 with 400 meter jog between reps. The 1000 workouts usually are one of the toughest for me, especially doing it solo. Unfortunately no Keefe, Sean (well earned rest after the 2:42 marathon), Andy, or some of the other usual suspects. Jake started the workout but dropped due to stomach distress. There was a little headwind during the last 50 yards of the backstretch, otherwise there wasnt much wind out there today.

Pace chart has me at 3:12 for 1000 at interval. This comes out to 77 seconds per lap or 38.5 per 200.

Rep #1 I started with Jake and let him create a little gap since he was aiming to hit at least 6 seconds faster than me for each one. Little did I realize that he was off pace and I would have just been able to stay with him. First few 200 splits were on target but the last 600 I seemed to be about 1 second off on each.

As we began our recovery jog, the skies really opened up and the impending thunderstorm finally hit. I normally run through any weather conditions (rain, snow, sleet, 0 degrees, high heat), but thunderstorms are a little riskier and are much more out of my control. Running around a track, which is essentially an open field, just didnt really seem to be the smartest move. Jake and I took an extended rest inside Tufts figuring that the storm would pass pretty quickly. Sure enough we were back outside within 8 minutes and ready to continue the workout, although Jake elected to go home and recover from whatever was ailing him. Lots of puddles on the track for the rest of the workout.

The next 4 reps were a battle. Once again, I would be on pace after 400 meters and then let things fall apart over the last 600. Not sure if this is a result of my low post-marathon energy, or just a lack of control while running these solo. My guess is if we had a pack doing the workout, I would have hit the 3:12's but would have been feeling them.

Debated whether to do a 6th at the end since I got the extra long rest after rep #1. Given my recent race performances and lack of hitting my paces today, elected to hold back and just get in an extended cooldown. During the cooldown, I did jump into the last 600 Culla's final rep since he was going solo at the end.
