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10:29 AM

50.5 mi


13.8 mi / hr


65 F
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Cape Cod Rail Trail / Nauset

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Was supposed to race a half marathon in plymouth today. After having some pain come back in my shins on my Thursday and Friday runs, decided to shut it down on all running this weekend.

Rented a hybrid bike (not many options down here - mainly either hybrid, comfort, or mountain - no road) from a different shop than last week and set off for 50 miles on the rail trail. Difficult to determine what's the right pace on the bike as opposed to running. Didnt feel like my heart rate was where it usually gets and felt like my legs were getting most of the workout.

Was pretty tired by the end. The first half of the ride went by pretty smoothly. Came across an MS charity walk midway through, which slowed down the pace considerably (I give them credit though, their walk was 20 miles on Saturday and 10 miles on Sunday). Felt good to get some sort of workout in even if I couldnt run, but at over 3.5 hours it does take a lot more time than running.
