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7:20 AM

100 mi


16.25 mi / hr


142 lb


81 F
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OP -> 18 Mile -> Res -> Perrysburg -> Gowanda -> Eden & Boston

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Longest bike ride of my life!

Had quite a bit of wind on the way out & anytime I headed south. In the last 15 miles, it was brutal.

Early in the ride, as I approached an oak tree overhanging the road, I heard a small noise of something falling. Turns out it was an acorn - it hit the road right in front of me & bounced to right about head level, but I pulled a total Matrix move & dodged it.

I'd never ridden in or to Cattaragus County, but took the route to the hunting grounds. I was expecting the climb up 39 to be the tough part, but failed to realize most of the climb was on West Perrysburg (which was also into the wind!) This part was tough, but it was also a bit of a blessing in disguise - when I got to 39, it wasn't too bad!

I stopped at the hunting grounds to have a look, saw 4 deer & headed on. I had thought the descent into Gowanda would be super fast, but it wasn't at all. As I headed out of Gowanda, I hit the first bit of rain - a drizzle, but got wet. The whole climb up Jennings was like this.

When I reached the peak of Jennings, I discovered it'd been stoned & had to head down 249. It was a really nice ride down. Half way down, the rain stopped & the road was dry - as if it hadn't rained anywhere around there. I'd been thinking 249 came out more in Eden for some reason, even though I know better, but when I saw where I hit in Collins, I wasn't thrilled, as I had to ride on 62 to Eden & it sees traffic. The shoulders are wide though & it was pretty flat. I saw another cyclist behind me & picked up the pace too & was surprised I was riding that fast so late into the ride.

In Eden, I cut off 62 to add some miles in, but wasn't familiar with the area. The GPS told me to turn, but I didn't believe it at first, as it'd been telling me the opposite way to turn some times earlier... I relented though & followed it & it got me to the right spot. Very nice. Having the heads up for the turns was super, super nice. It was really nice to have it today. It rained again in this area.

After I got back on 62 & crossed the bridge over 18 mile & turned, I flatted. Given the amount of rain I went through & that I was 75 in, I couldn't complain.

I was again surprised at the pace I rode through Eden & Hamburg, but when I started up Taylor, for the last ~15, the wind came back again & was brutal. It even got me on Back Creek. The small rolling hills on Back Creek were tough too. I continued on once I hit 391 to get a full 100 in, even though I'd only plotted out 90. I knew the exposed parts of 391 would be brutal with the wind & was not let down.

On the way back though, I was again surprised at the pace I was able to maintain. At 97 in, I suspect a dragon fly hit me in the face - I felt the brunt of it in the glasses & a wing or something in the corner of my mouth. At 98, I flatted again, but it was a slow leak. With so little to go, I really didn't feel like changing it, so I pushed on. It was OK for the next 1.5 miles, but that last half mile was pushing it & I could feel the play in the tire.

I made it though & am shocked to see my overall speed. Given the distance & the elevation, I couldn't be happier. My legs are OK, but my upper arms are sore. I don't know if this is from the ride, the lifting at PT yesterday, or a combination of both. Regardless, I feel ready for the Highlander - even with a little more elevation, it'll be spread out a lot more than today's.
