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7:32 PM

16.1 mi


9:02 mi


72 F
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OP / Hamburg / Eden Loop

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Another muggy day. It was brutal out there during the day. I had Paul's wedding last night & drank probably about 7 beers - I figured there was no point in getting up early & thought I'd be a slug out there, but I felt fine. Zero negative feeling from the beers.

Right across from the Terra Cotta, I looked up at the parking lot cut into the shale cliff & saw a buck up on top. It looked like something off of TV, out west. I only caught a glimpse of him though, but thought he had a nice rack, so I backed up & checked him out. I got enough of a look at him this time to see if was a beautiful rack - not super wide, but full of antler & maybe even split G1s! he saw me looking at him though & bolted up the hill, kicking stone down below - pretty awesome.

I hit the johnny-on-the-spot on Newton again - not sure what it is with these evening runs. I hadn't eaten for a while & still had to go...

Shortly after, I passed the farmer's stand & saw a cyclist approaching just ahead. I moved to the extreme should of the road & then I saw it - a LIVE snake, right on the white line. I was between it & the grass before I noticed & jumped a bit. It turned it's head a little, but luckily that was it. I shouted to the cyclist that it was there, but am not sure he heard/understood. He didn't run it over though, so that's good...

I stopped at the store in the village to refuel with a small bottle of gatorade & that seemed to be the perfect amount with my Amphipod.

The outside of my right big toe seemed to be rubbing a little toward the end of the run. If it'd happened earlier, I probably would have adjusted the sock, but I just pushed through. I'd spent some time power blasting the callous there, so it could have been that, but the sock seemed to have a seem & I think that was the main cause.
