Run: Hill Previous Next


6:44 PM

9.5 mi


8:32 mi


73 F
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Short Loop To Keller

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Liz said something about hills, so I concocted up a route under 10 miles that had a couple...

Glad I had her to run it with - this route is no joke, but she kept me honest & from dogging it. Glad we didn't do the extended route from the one other time I ran up this way - I remember that being super brutal. Nice to have the company & someone to earn a beer with. Liz did ask if we were going up Herman Hill at the end - that'd be a cruel finish, but probably a great training run for out to Colden & then up West Tillen - gotta keep that one in mind.

Given the route, I'm pretty happy with the time. I suspect the downhill pounding beat on my ankle again, but it's not horrific, yet...
