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1:57 PM

12 mi


8:33 mi


50 F
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Op -> Hamburg -> Eden -> Boston Loop

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Meant to do 11, but didn't turn onto Eckhardt & went to North Boston for some reason. Seeing as how that added section's got a big hill, I could have done without that. The distance was no issue though.

The pace wasn't spectacular, but not horrible either - I'll take it, especially given the wind, which sucked for a lot of times during the run.

Ankle felt OK, but I can feel a little plantar fasciitis - it's been creeping in for a little & one of the reasons I skipped an extra day of running this week. My shoes are getting up there in milage too & I suspect that could be contributing. Luckily, a new pair is already ordered.

Food smelled awesome as I went past JP's & The Pour House.

Nothing else remarkable about the run - good to be getting in some distance & nice to come down North Boston - I've only gone up it the last bunch of times I've been on it.
