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9:24 PM

5 mi


8:48 mi


60 F
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South Abbott -> Bunting Out & Back

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First run since the Great Range Traverse.

I was supposed to run yesterday, but brought two left shoes to run during hunting. I thought about running after hunting, but was just too beat from the hike/getting up early to hunt.

I was prepared to run during the mid-day today, but wasn't sure if there'd be water to shower in since they were hooking up a new water line at my mother's. I napped instead & it was great.

This run wasn't as slow as it looked - I was checking out a raccoon first mile & walked the hills on the dip. When I was actually running, I was pretty happy with the pace.

It's tough to focus on running now that hunting has started - I'm gonna have to grind these next runs out.
