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6:35 PM

10 mi


7:59 mi


141 lb
147 bpm
172 bpm


15 F
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391 -> Back Creek Out & Back

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Average heart rate was at the very high end of the aerobic zone I was supposed to be in.

Overall, I was very surprised to see the average pace just under 8/mile.

I could have used an additional layer under the tights.

My headlamp is pretty weak again - I'm really not happy with it. I pretty much ran without any light & was a bit nervous about rolling my ankle, etc.

I saw another runner out, the first in ages on Back Creek, especially at night. He had some reflective stuff on, but was wearing primarily dark colored clothing, no light & was on the wrong side of the road. I thought I saw something at a distance coming, but then figured I was seeing things & was surprised when all the sudden he was in front of me. It showed the value of a good headlamp.
