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9:30 AM

10 mi


9:18 mi


42 F
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Eckhardt -> Feddick -> Shero -> Back Creek

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Longest run in a while. Ankle was fine.

I hadn't been on big hills in a while & was a little leery of doing them for the first long run, but it was time.

I walked the steepest sections, but that was about it. The climb up Feddick wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. The descent down Shero was awesome - I saw a sub-8 pace on the watch at one time & actually got a little bit giddy - it'd been awhile since I'd seen a time like that.

Nice to hit 40 miles for the week & I'm looking forward to getting in more long runs. Getting some speed back will be nice too - I suspect that'll come some enough.
