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8:54 PM

10 mi


8:57 mi


64 F
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South Abbott -> Bunting -> Draudt -> Murphy -> Duerr Out & Back

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This run was brought to you by 2 Blue Lights, 1 Aviator Red & 2 Lone Star Tacos - and it wasn't that bad...! I definitely felt full though...

Did an easy 16 yesterday, work at mom's, more work in Perrysburg this morning, played hard at soccer this afternoon in the league final (first place...!), hit the bar, hit Lone Star & came home to run.

Very comfortable temps for running. There was a small crescent moon, but it was obscured most of the night. At one point, my dying headlamp could barely light anything up & a steep downhill looked like it went into a black hole. Great running memory. Then on the upside of the creek it lead too, I turned the headlamp & saw two eyeballs starring back at me, but really wide apart, with a bunch of white in the middle - it was a cow & he was right up at the fence by the road. Looked like an alien!

With such an active weekend, I was beat & dogging it at times. Mentally though, I was able to pull myself back & surprised how I could get into a comfortable rhythm again & again.

Wednesday's coed game was a tough one for me - I was really hesitant & sluggish after my knee buckled last Sunday & played like garbage. I went into tonight's game thinking it could be my last men's league game, ever. Thinking I was just stiff from not running last weekend though, I did the 16 miler, nice & easy yesterday & felt great for the start today. I played hard & performed well. I even shook a guy & threw him off balance - like in my pre-accident days. Feeling good!
