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10:07 AM

30 mi


15.27 mi / hr


140 lb


76 F
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18 Mile Bridge Out & Back Plus

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Longest ride in over a year & nearly one of my longest ones ever...!

The wind was a little less, but still blowing - I'm not sure what I'll do when I ride without any.

Standing up on the bike is getting a little better, but it still feels weak. I really miss having two bike shoes on.

I again had to yell at two kids on their bikes riding the wrong way. This time it was on Lakeview Road, a main road. Ticks me off.

On the way back from the creek, I got stopped by a train for the first time. Luckily it went past pretty quick - I couldn't even get the phone out for a photo.

All in all, I'm very happy I was able to do this ride.
