Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:55 PM

25.1 mi


17.14 mi / hr


Trek 2008 1.5


142.5 lb


72 F
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18 Mile Bridge Out & Back

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The miles felt pretty easy today. I think that has to do with the hills I've been riding.

I could have probably ridden a bit faster, but didn't want to push it.

I felt a little bit of something on my new bad knee just below the knee, in the scar tissue, but hope it's nothing.

The bike continues to make a little bit of sound - it's like a rusty leaf spring & appears to come from when I press on the left bar. I'm not sure what it could be.

This was the first ride I'd done with a course loaded onto the Garmin - I managed to not plot the right course twice, but it was still neat. My only complaint was that the indication for the turns seemed to come right as I was doing them, not before. I'll have to play with it more, but think it's a nice feature to have.
