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8:23 PM

14 mi


8:46 mi


72 F
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Boston / Eden / Hamburg / OP Ins & Outs

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Another mid-week 14 miler - these suck.

I waited until after my coed game tonight, where I ran hard again. The weather was super threatening & it got incredibly dark during the game, but it turned out fairly nice. The temp was a lot lower than it's been & it drizzled just enough to be welcomed for a little. This was the first time in ages I didn't come home absolutely drenched.

I picked up a Amphipod 10oz handheld during lunch & tried that today with the 2 6oz flasks on my belt. It was just enough to squeak through the run (in this heat/humidity anyways), but I still find it a little big for carrying. I may pick up a 5oz Salomon squeezable with a bit valve.

Right after entered Bunting, I saw a buck with a small rack all in velvet. He took off back into the corn before I could get a good look at him/count the points.

About another 1/2 mile in, my stomach started to really bother me. I thought about turning around, but decided to go just a bit more, to the patch of thicker stuff on the sides of the road - there was nothing more for a while. I ducked in there & took care of business again. I thought I went down fairly deep, but of course a car passed right in the middle of it, but I didn't care - it was needed badly. After that, I felt great.

During my 14 miler this past weekend, South Abbott near Newton had signs for road work, but there was no issue. Today the road was closed & apparently for a bridge closure - as in the bridge was completely GONE. Luckily I was able to get down the dirt to the creek bed & they had some rocks across the water & the water was low - had that not been possible, it would have added a whole lot of suck to the run. I can't be sure to get across it in the future, so I'll have to stay away from it.

I grabbed a gel in the park by the traffic circle in Hamburg - what a pretty place at night. Then around the corner, I passed people at the bar, drinking & smoking. That was weird. The wind picked up a bit from here on home, but it was mostly across me & not into my face.
