Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:45 AM

3 mi


6:58 mi


well, not a 4 miler but this will do. Wow, was I sore before the start! I think it really has been the stretching. prolly go away by the end of the week as long as I keep up with it. Definitely helps the pain go away: Splits

3:24 - kept it easy

3:21 - first mile always easy (downhill)

3:28 - start uphill near the end of this one

3:31 - levels off and then downhill

3:40 - turn-around split: hardest b/c it's uphill almost the entire way

3:26 - starts at crest, dips, then finishes on uphill

I think I know why I didn't attempt the last mile: it was really a fight between the wisdom of Bryan for choosing a 4 miler tempo compared to Daniel's choosing one that lasts 20 minutes. Daniels won me over, but I need to quit that crap and keep it Karnazes style... "If I could just make it to the next tree... now the next mailbox..." What really didn't work was telling myself that I'd start humming my favorite song at the end of 3 miles. I threw that idea out of the window near the end of mile 2.
