Run: Fartlek Previous Next


8.6 mi


6:44 mi

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Well first workout that I have actually ran in a full 3 weeks so I suppose I should have assumed it to be a little rusty. Goal was to do 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 with rest adding up to 6. Felt pretty solid on the 5 but then just progressively more and more flat after that. Didnt help that on a few reps I had to dodge traffic but still I should expect better from myself. For the 2 minute rep I had a bike directly in front of me that was perfect to use as a guide but I spaced out and didnt take advantage of that. Weather was 85 out and I havent ran in something that hot since summer. Need to take the positives from this though, after all, it feels good to be running pain free again! Went a little long on the cool down because I found a dude to run with and so I chatted with him for as long as I could. Thats run #2 that I have done with somebody down here! Thanks be to God.

Also I procrastinated hoemwork by watching xc videos. Oh my goodness what I would do to be on a cross country course and racing with yall. Never thought I would miss it this much </3
