Run: Easy Previous Next


3 mi


7:30 mi


Hoka Cavu

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Got in what I could when I could. I’m not going to lie, for the past 8 months it has been really hard for me not to get incredibly irritated/negative when it comes to running. Like there’s no joy in it anymore, save for a few runs here and there. Hopefully throughout this summer and fall I can try to find some joy in it again. I mean there’s literally no pressure considering I won’t even be there. Just want to have fun with it again. When I started legit training back when I was 10 (no joke, practiced with the high school girls team) they always mentioned that they hope I don’t get burnt out. I always was like well how I could I ever grow to dislike anything that i love so much but now I question myself. I don’t know why thinking about training and everything makes me irritated, but it just does. They say that not every run will be fun but why do I feel like it’s a chore to do nearly everyday. I don’t know. Sorry for all of this, kiddos to y’all killing the running and having tons of fun. I’m uber happy for y’all. I’ll be okay though, I process things a lot better when I can just get them out there and out of my head. Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine. Here’s to Central week. God bless yall



Your right with me man!! We will get through it.