Run: Easy Previous Next


5:50 PM

9.8 mi


7:15 mi

  • Map

Random Route


Funny story: So I'm running, maybe 5 miles in, on 103A. I shouldn't run on 103A, because it's too narrow and fast and busy, but it's a necessary half-mile stretch. A car comes speeding up from behind me and lays on the horn.

Botswana flashback + dyslexia + freak out = oh my god, I'm on the wrong side of the road = oh my god, I'm gonna die! --> Laura jumping out of her skin, flailing her arms and screaming --> Laura's brother laughing hysterically as he pulls up beside her --> Laura screaming and chasing her brother with a threatening fist as he speeds away. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Anyway. The heat and the hills combined to absolutely clobber me today. I stopped twice during the run, which, last I checked, completely defeats the purpose of endurance training. Shucks. I need to find a pace and stick it. I should be running 7:15s, 7:20s, but that's exactly the pace I have a hard time keeping. Too slow to feel like I'm working hard, too fast to not have to think about it at all. In short, I have a hard time with motivation at this pace. Working on it.

Also, I've noticed it's made a huge difference to me recently whether I know my route or not how hard I push myself (harder if I know it). Every surprise hill on King Hill and County just killed me today.

King Hill -> County -> Main St. -> home
