Bike: Easy Previous Next


20.3 mi

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<No name>

Notes all day! Okay, that wasn't really the idea, it just ended up happening. I biked the four miles to church and then decided I was halfway into town already (I really need to get over this tendency because it is ALL downhill into town! and I do not sufficiently factor in the necessary difficulty of coming home later on!), so I biked to the farmers market and then to the National Gallery and then to the park to meet my coworker at a weekly drum circle/dance/party in her neighborhood, and THEN at about 7:30 left for the eight miles or so left until home. But still made it home before dark, and it was all broken up nicely - wasn't until I got home, after long run, biking, and much dancing, that I completely collapsed. I will even confess, I missed Pierce. I wanted instant calories and was not very patient in preparing them for myself. Fruit and frozen pizza is a totally acceptable post-workout dinner, right? heh.
