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8.7 mi


7:23 mi

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I really wish this were just a couple miles shorter - if it were 5 or 6 miles I'd probably commute by running to work every single day. Newsflash = I have discovered something that motivates me to do easy runs! Skipping the metro. Unfortunately, it's just too long to be doing all the frequently with my mileage where it is right now. But once we start doing workouts, this'll be a perfect place to do threshold runs.

Highlights today: Julia, crazy lady that she is, came with me for the first half! Meaning she had already gotten dressed and driven over here by 7:30. I rolled out of bed around 7:25...

Also, raspberries along the trail! I can't believe they haven't been picked clean - people are way too caught up in their workouts/commutes. And I got stung by a bee. I ran into it. It was displeased. It took out its frustration on a rather tender part of my ear. Not fun. Oh well.

